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Chinese Language and Culture Center

At the International University "MITSO", with the assistance of the Federation of the Trade Unions of Belarus, Chinese Language and Culture Center has been established.
The grand opening of the Center took place on September 1, 2023.
The main goal is to popularize the Chinese language and culture, develop and organize scientific activities, as well as strengthen cooperation, friendship, and mutual understanding between China and Belarus.
The center conducts master classes in tea art and calligraphy, as well as the art of Chinese opera.
During classes, students are offered to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a Chinese city using virtual reality.
The Center is staffed by highly qualified teachers, including native speakers of the Chinese language.

The Center of Chinese Language and Culture offers everyone to take Chinese language courses.

Levels: "Basic knowledge", "Preparation for HSK, HSKK".
Period of one course: 4.5 months.

Studying foreign languages contributes to the development of humanitarian thinking, mastery of communication culture and social etiquette accepted in the countries of the studied language. 
The goal of learning the Chinese language is to equip the learners with knowledge, skills, and abilities of interlingual and intercultural communication in the spheres of social and cultural communication. 
After completing the course, the learner will be able to use the Chinese language adequately in familiar situations, understand the main content of Chinese speech without details or anyone's help, as well as the main idea of speech/text. The learner will be able to express their thoughts and opinions on various issues, construct simple and concise sentences, and clearly answer questions.

After completing the Chinese language course, you can take international exams HSK and HSKK. 
HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, "汉语水平考试", Chinese Proficiency Test) 
HSK is an international qualification exam for the Chinese language. 
HSKK is the oral part of the international Chinese language exam. 
The test was developed in 1990 by the State Committee of the PRC for the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language and Beijing Language and Culture University to assess the level of knowledge of the Chinese language and evaluate the skills of its use in everyday, educational, and work situations. 
The exam is intended for individuals who are not native speakers of the Chinese language but are interested in a comprehensive assessment of their proficiency in the Chinese language. Having an international certificate allows:

•    to enroll in educational institutions in China;
•    to participate in competitions for receiving scholarships for internships in China;
•    to find employment in Chinese and joint Russian-Chinese companies or Russian organizations that collaborate with China;
•    to improve qualifications and gain confidence in mastering the Chinese language.

Cost of one course:
"Basic knowledge" - 440 rubles for 72 hours
"Preparation for HSK, HSKK" - 440 rubles for 108 hours
Payment in two installments.
Schedule: twice a week in the evening.
Group size is up to 12 people.
To sign up for Chinese language courses, please contact us by phone: +375 (29) 317-49-60, office 212 at MITSO.

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