November 23–24, 2023 (Minsk)

Dear colleagues!
The Higher Education Establishment of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus “International University “MITSO” invites you to partake in the International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Nuremberg Judgment within the Modern Aspects of International Law, Politics, History” within the framework of the
International Forum “Nuremberg Judgment and the Modern International Law”.
For participation in the Conference we invite professional and teaching staff of the educational establishments, researchers, as well as the representatives of public
and other organizations.

The Conference is planned to be held within the following format: the ceremonial opening, the holding of a plenary meeting with the representatives of the scientific and expert community. The Conference is intended for both physical and in absentia forms of participation.
In absentia form implies a publication in the “The Nuremberg Judgment within the Modern Aspects of International Law, Politics, History” journal.
The publishing of the journal is planned prior to the Conference (approximate date is before November 20, 2023).
The placement of the report materials in the journal is for free.
The Conference subject areas:
1. The Nuremberg Judgment, the Holocaust. Fascism after the Nuremberg Judgment.
2. Nuremberg Judgment – the Legal Aspects.
3. Nuremberg Judgment – History and the Present.
The Conference languages: Byelorussian, Russian, English.
To participate in the Conference it is required, no later than October 23, 2023 (05:15 pm), to submit the application form and the report (for participation) at
Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript. according to the following template: “Ivanov V.N._2_report” and “Ivanov V.N._2_application, number “2” in the example being the number of the subject area.
Both the report and the application form are sent as separate files, however, in one e-mail.
The accommodation and catering expenses for participants from other cities/towns and abroad are paid for by the International University “MITSO”. Additional information may be provided by contact persons from the Organizing Committee and the International Cooperation department of the University.
On the necessity of receiving a personal invitation for participation in the Conference proceedings one should inform the organizing committee in advance
(+375 (17) 279-98-72, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.) and indicate this information in the application form.
The Conference venue: Belarus, Minsk, Kazintsa st. 21 bld. 3, International University “MITSO”.
For inclusion into the journal one report might be provided written personally or in co-authorship (no more than two co-authors).
The materials are published as written by an author. The authors are responsible for originality and scientific-theoretical level of the published materials.
For more details please refer to the Conference Organizing Committee.
Organizing Committee Contacts:
Molodtsova Olga Mikhailovna – researcher (senior secretary) of the Research Department, tel.: +375 (17) 279-98-72.
Kokor Anna Sergeevna – researcher (senior secretary) of the Research Department, tel.: +375 (17) 279-83-52.
E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
International Cooperation Department Contacts:
Bozhko Tatiana Vasil’evna – main specialist of the International Cooperation department, tel.: +375 (17) 279 98 60.
Kuchinskiy Oleg Anatolievich – the deputy head of the International Cooperation department, +375 (17) 279-98-58.



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 Минск  ул.Казинца, д.21 к.3
+375 (17) 279-98-00 Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
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