Версия для слабовидящих

Postgraduate courses

Postgraduate courses include:

  • in-depth study of academic core and specialized disciplines, qualifying exams and tests (for independent degree seekers);
  • mastering the methods and techniques of scientific research, conducting scientific research on the topical issues within the chosen field of study;
  • systematization and generalization of the results obtained in order to prepare and defend a thesis for the degree of a Candidate of Science.

Postgraduate education programme (Russian):
08.00.05 Economics and management of national economy;
12.00.03 Civil law, entrepreneurial law, family law, private international law;
12.00.05 Labour law, social security law;
12.00.10 International law; regional integration law.

Upon successful completion (based on the results of final assessment by the state certification commission), postgraduate students (independent degree seekers) are assigned a qualification of Researcher by the state certification commission and are awarded a Researcher’s diploma (except for independent degree seekers who take qualifying exams only in academic core subjects).

Foreign citizens are enrolled in postgraduate courses on a paid basis without entrance exams. 
They are offered full-time courses (maximum 3 years), part-time courses (maximum 4 years), or self-study courses (maximum 5 years). 
The relevant faculties conduct interviews with applicants to assess the applicant’s interest and expertise in the chosen area and their language level.

Foreign citizens enrolling in postgraduate courses need to be a Master of Science. Only applicants who have passed qualifying exams in Belarus are eligible for full-time and part-time courses. Those who have not passed such exams can enrol in postgraduate courses as independent degree seekers for a period of up to 2 years to prepare and take qualifying exams and tests, or for a period of up to 5 years to take qualifying exams and tests and to do thesis research.

Independent degree seekers are required to pass the following qualifying exams and tests:

  • qualifying exam in philosophy and methodology of science;
  • qualifying exam in Russian as foreign language;
  • graded test in Information Technology basics;
  • qualifying exam in the chosen specialty.

Before submitting documents to apply for postgraduate or doctoral courses, non-citizens who hold foreign diplomas of higher education and academic degrees need to go through the national procedure to get their diplomas or degrees recognized according to the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.
To obtain a certificate of recognition, please contact Republican Institute for Higher Education:
Address:15 Moskovskaya Street, office 120, Minsk 220007, Belarus
Phone: +375 17 228-13-13.

List of documents foreign citizens need to submit to enrol in postgraduate courses

1.    An application addressed to the Rector.
2.    An interview results report.
3.    Notarized copies of higher education diplomas (Bachelor, Master) with certified translations in Russian (for the diploma issued in a foreign country).
4.    A notarized copy of the transcript or diploma supplement with certified translation in Russian (for the diploma issued in a foreign country).
5.    A Certificate of diploma recognition.
6.    A Certificate of qualifying exams results (for full-time and part-time courses applicants).
7.    A personal data sheet for personnel records.
8.    Autobiography.
9.    Certified translation of your documents on education into Russian.
10.    Document that is confirmed the right of residence in the Republic of Belarus for a foreign candidate.
11.    A notarized copy of the passport with certified translation in Russian.
12.    Agreement for compulsory medical insurance.
13.    A medical certificate of health is issued by the official health authority of The Republic of Belarus (after obligatory medical examination), HIV-status certificate.

The originals of the applicant’s passport and diploma are presented in person. 



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