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International educational programs

Learning Russian as a foreign language.
Economic and tourism potential of the Republic of Belarus

The program consists of two blocks: educational and sightseeing.
Duration of the program: 14 days.
•    educational block - from $ 100 per person;
•    excursion block - from USD 150 per person;
•    3 meals a day - from $ 150 per person.
A group of up to 12 people.

The educational block includes lectures and practical classes on the discipline "Russian as a foreign language".  The classes are focused on the formation and development of minimal communication skills for communication in Russian. Classes are held 3 times a week for 4 hours. Classes are held at MITSO International University.
The excursion block runs simultaneously with the educational block. The excursion block includes visits to industrial enterprises and tourist sites in Belarus. Excursions are formed based on the preferences of the Customer.
For questions about the organization of an international educational program, please contact Irina Nikolaevna, Head of the International Cooperation Department of MITSO Reut, phone +375 (17) 279-83-62, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript.


Sightseeing tour of Minsk
You will visit architectural, historical and cultural monuments of the 17th and 20th centuries, learn more about the history of the city, architectural and cultural attractions. During the tour you will visit the most interesting and beautiful sites, including Independence Square and Independence Avenue, Government House (1930-1934), St. Simeon and St. Helena Church (1908-1910), Oktyabrskaya Square, Palace of the Republic, Holy Spirit Cathedral (former monastery of the Bernardine Order, 17th century), Freedom Square, renovated City the Town Hall, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary (18th century), the Upper Town – not the oldest, but the best preserved historical part of the city, which was inhabited in the 12th century, the Lower Town, the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (17th century), Nemiga Street, Trinity Suburb (19th century) – a picturesque quarter in the ancient style, the Island of Tears (1996) – a memorial in honor of the internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan, Pobediteley Avenue, the Minsk – Hero City stele (1985), Victory Square, the National Library – an outstanding example of ultramodern architectural design.

BELAZ tour - the brand of Belarus

The tour will take you through the modern industrial city of Zhodino, where you will see with your own eyes how the giants of Belarusian and world engineering – BelAZ are born. They work in dozens of countries around the world. The plant's products have won more than one prestigious international award and have become a multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. Today BELAZ is not only a brand of mining equipment, but also a brand symbol of independent Belarus.
An exciting tour of the Belarusian Automobile Plant awaits you – the place where the history of the Belarusian production of giant cars is born. Here, everyone will not only get acquainted with the secrets of production, but also see with their own eyes the pride of the domestic automotive industry. BELAZ is one of the world's largest manufacturers of mining equipment. The plant's products have won more than one prestigious international award. One of the dump trucks, a 450-ton truck, is the only double–record holder of the Guinness Book of Records! During the tour, you will visit one of the assembly shops and see the birth of the legend of Belarusian engineering. At the exhibition area of the equipment, you can not only take impressive photos against the background of the legendary car, but also feel its full power by climbing on the car itself. Today BELAZ is not only a brand of mining equipment, but also a brand symbol of independent Belarus.

Excursion "Neman Glassworks – Lida Brewery"

You will embark on an amazing journey through the Neman region, where you will find breathtaking landscapes, a majestic castle and many ancient architectural monuments. Visit the Neman Glass factory, see the work of local glassmakers and enjoy their ancient art. In the Lida Beer brewery, you will have a fascinating tour of the Lida Brovar Museum.

Excursion to the Kommunarka factory

You will go on the most delicious excursion - to the Minsk chocolate factory "Kommunarka".
A visit to the confectionery production is an opportunity to get acquainted with the stages of chocolate production, walk through the waffle and chocolate shops, taste the finished products.

Sightseeing tour of the National Library

The National Library is a business card of Belarus. Today it is not only a rich collection of books, but also a huge multifunctional center where high technologies, cutting-edge design and unusual architecture are combined.
The tour includes a climb to the observation deck of the National Library.

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War was the first museum in the world dedicated to the bloodiest war of the 20th century, and the only museum in Belarus created during the Nazi occupation. Today, the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War is one of the most significant and largest museums on the planet - along with the richest collections in Moscow, Kiev, New Orleans – which tell about the events of the Second World War. In the museum, on an area of more than 3,000 m2, you can see over 8 thousand exhibits telling about the history of the Great Patriotic War. In total, the funds contain about 145 thousand rarities collected during the fighting in Eastern Europe and Germany, as well as transferred by embassies of different countries already in peacetime. Military rarities comprise 28 collections and are exhibited in 10 thematic halls: Multimedia technologies are used in the design of the exhibitions: a ball screen, holographic 3D installations, a fog screen that creates a flame effect.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Belovezhskaya Pushcha - one of the national symbols of Belarus, its hallmark and a unique international tourist center. Untouched nature, relic forests, rare animal species, fresh pine scent, fairy-tale atmosphere, and the house where Santa Claus himself lives - is there anything more beautiful?

Visit to the museum complex of ancient crafts and technologies "Dudutki"

The museum complex is located forty kilometers from Minsk. "Dudutki" is an open-air museum. It is not just a museum, but a whole museum complex, which has become a true national treasure - a real Belarusian brand, a place that many foreign tourists strive to visit. Here, the traditions of an ancient estate and the conveniences of a modern tourist center coexist perfectly.
Dudutki welcomes guests with a huge 14-meter windmill. The shatrov type windmill was built in 1905 in a nearby village, worked diligently until the 70s of the last century. The abandoned structure was carefully transported to the museum and restored, thanks to which visitors get a visual representation of the milling process.
A tour of the complex will give a detailed idea of traditional Belarusian folk crafts:
•    woodworking (carpenters, joiners, coopers, stelmakers, turners - these are different specializations in wood processing)
•    weaving and felting
•    pottery
•    tanning
•    weaving from willow and straw
•    blacksmithing.
In each workshop, talented masters who own all technological subtleties will visually show the craft process and help those who wish to make something with their own hands. If the products are liked or needed in the household, visitors can immediately purchase them - souvenir shops are compactly grouped in trade rows.
In the garage, you can inspect antique cars, including the captured during the Second World War "Horh". On the livestock farm, there are chickens, geese, cows, wild boars, deer, and even ostriches.

Visit to Mir Castle

The Mir Castle Complex (Mir Castle) is an outstanding example of defensive architecture from the 16th century. It is located in the town of Mir in the Grodno region of Belarus. In 2000, UNESCO included the Mir Castle in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List as an outstanding example of a Central European castle that reflects the gradual change of cultural styles (Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque); a visual reflection in form and appearance of the ensemble of a long history of political and cultural confrontations and interactions. The architectural complex includes the castle itself from the 16th to 20th centuries, earthworks from the 16th to 17th centuries, a landscape and regular park, an artificial lake, a wing, a chapel-mausoleum of the princes Svyatopolk-Mirsky with a guardhouse and gates, a roadside chapel - on an area of about 25 hectares. In 1947, the castle was taken under state protection as a monument of architecture from the 16th to 20th centuries. Since 1987, it has been a branch of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Nowadays, Mir Castle annually welcomes thousands of guests from different parts of the world. They come to admire the structure, take part in knight festivals, buy souvenirs, attend concerts and exhibitions. Visitors can learn about the history and architecture of Mir Castle, its past and present. It is worth taking a walk along the defensive tiers and battle galleries. And a visit to the basement will help you feel the heavy fate of medieval prisoners.

Visit to the Nesvizh Palace and Park Complex

The Nesvizh Palace and Park Complex with its diverse architecture and largest landscape park is one of the most beautiful places in Belarus and one of the most popular attractions in the country. Nearby is the Church of the Body of Christ (Farny Church), built by the works of Italian architect Bernardoni - an architectural monument of early Baroque, the first Baroque church and the first Jesuit church in Eastern Europe, the ancestral burial vault of the Radziwill princes, the third largest after the vaults of the Habsburgs and Bourbons. 
In 2012, Nesvizh was named the cultural capital of Belarus. The Nesvizh Town Hall - an architectural monument of the 16th-18th centuries, is the oldest among the buildings of this type preserved on the territory of Belarus.

Visit to the ski resort "Sunny Valley"

Visit to an Alpine-style café. The café features a fireplace room and a hunting room.

Orthodox shrines of Minsk region

St. Nicholas Church, holy spring, font, ancient park with ruins of the Tyshkevich Palace, ancient settlement in Zhodino, St. Michael's parish, church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverer". Raubichi (formerly Krestogorsk), a walk through the sports complex, a museum of folk art in the building of the former Krestogorsk church. Logoisk, St. Nicholas Church (introduction to unique paintings on the topic of the Apocalypse, holy spring with font).

Visit to the Opera or Ballet

The National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus is the only opera theater and the largest theater in the Republic of Belarus, located in Minsk, the main musical and theatrical stage of the country.


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 Минск  ул.Казинца, д.21 к.3
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